Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster

By Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied ons 'n dinamiese sportprogram wat ondersteun word deur uitstaande fasiliteite, wat ons leerlinge in staat stel om te presteer in rugby, netbal, atletiek, en meer. Ons rugbyvelde is die trots van ons skool, waar leerlinge streng onder kundige leiding oefen en beide vaardigheid en spanwerk bou. Ons netbalbane bied 'n mededingende omgewing vir ons talentvolle spanne, wat ratsheid en strategiese spel bevorder. Boonop maak ons hokkiebane- en veldfasiliteite voorsiening vir 'n wye reeks byeenkomste, wat studente help om spoed, uithouvermoë en algehele fiksheid te ontwikkel. Ons is toegewyd om afgeronde atlete wat sportmangees en uitnemendheid uitleef, te koester.
At Hoërskool Ben Vorster, we offer a dynamic sports program supported by outstanding facilities, allowing our students to excel in rugby, netball, athletics, and more. Our rugby fields are the pride of our campus, where students train rigorously under expert guidance, building both skill and teamwork. Our netball courts provide a competitive environment for our talented teams, fostering agility and strategic play. Additionally, our athletics track and field facilities cater to a wide range of events, helping students develop speed, enduranc, and overall fitness. We are dedicated to nurturing well-rounded athletes who embody sportsmanship and excellence.
Boogskiet is ‘n nuwe aktiwiteit wat die skool aan enige leerder bied. Oefening vind na ure op die skoolgrond plaas. Skuts kan vorder tot op Limpopo provinsiale vlak en Protea-vlak. Vanya Robbertze het Limpopo verteenwoordig by die nasionale kampioenskappe en word opgeneem in die Suid-Afrikaanse span.
Vir meer inligting in verband met boogskiet, skakel gerus me. Chrizanne Hennig
Archery is a new activity that the school offers to any learner. Practice takes place after hours on the school grounds. Archers can progress to Limpopo provincial level and Protea level. Vanya Robbertze represented Limpopo at the National championships and is included in the South African team.
For more information in connection with archery, please call Ms Chrysanne Hennig
Jy moet bo- konsentrasievermoë en senuwees van staal hê om ʼn kampioenskut te wees. By die Hoërskool Ben Vorster kan jy hierdie vaardighede aanleer waarby jy jou hele lewe lank sal baatvind. Skyfskietgewere gebruik saamgeperste lug, nie lewendige ammunisie nie, maar ons skuts word nogtans geleer om die beginsels van wapenveiligheid streng toe te pas. Die afrigter is ten tye van oefening teenwoordig. Ons skyfskietbaan is elke middag oop vir oefening. Die Vossieskuts presteer jaarliks uitstekend op provinsiale en nasionale vlak. Ons lewer jaarliks telke Limpoposkuts op en meeste van ons skuts kwalifiseer vir die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe.
Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus me. Minet de Kock (organiseerder)
You must have above average concentration and nerves of steel to be a champion target shooter. At Hoërskool Ben Vorster, you can learn these skills that will benefit you throughout your life. Target shooting rifles use compressed air, not live ammunition, but our shooters are still taught to apply the principles of gun safety strictly. The coach is present during practice. Our shooting range is open for practice every afternoon. The Vossie shots perform excellently every year at provincial and national level. Every year we produce Limpopo shots and most of our shots qualify for the South African championships.
For more information, please contact Ms Minet de Kock
Seuns- en dogtersbergfiets-entoesiaste is welkom om aan te sluit by die bergfietsklub van die skool. Ons neem elke jaar ook deel aan die Spur Challenge. Daar word aan vier wedrenne deelgeneem en dien as basis vir die seleksie van die Limpopo Bergfietsspan.
As jy belangstel om deel te word van die span, kontak gerus vir me. Keryn Venter (organiseerder)
Boys’ and girls’ mountain bike enthusiasts are welcome to join the school mountain bike club. We also take part in the Spur Challenge every year. There are four races which serve as the basis for the selection of the Limpopo Mountain Bike Team.
If you are interested in becoming part of the team, feel free to contact Ms Keryn Venter (organizer)
Vossie Gholf bied die geleentheid vir beginnerspelers tot ervare spelers. Tzaneen en die naburige dorpe bied ʼn verskeidenheid van goeie gholfbane vir die gholf-entoesias. Die gholfliga vind plaas vanaf die tweede kwartaal tot die einde van die jaar. Die Vossies neem jaarliks aan vele volwaardige gholftoernooie teen skole in die Noordstreek deel, asook geborgde gholfkompetisies. Die Vossie gholfspanne het al by vele geleenthede die trofee omhoog gehou. Die skool spog met verskeie spelers wat deelneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe. Dogters is veral welkom om betrokke te raak by die sport.
Raak betrokke en skakel mnr. Philip de Villiers (organiseerder) vir meer inligting.
Vossie Golf offers the opportunity for beginners and experienced players to get involved in the sport. Tzaneen and the neighboring towns offer a variety of good golf courses for the golf enthusiast. The golf league takes place from the second term to the end of the year. The Vossies participate annually in many fully-fledged golf tournaments against schools in the Northern region, as well as sponsored golf competitions. The Vossie golf teams have held up the trophy on many occasions. The school boasts several players who participate in the South African championships. Girls are especially welcome to get involved in the sport.
Get involved and contact Mr Philip de Villiers (organiser) for more information.
Ons agt meisieshokkiespanne en vier seunshokkiespanne kompeteer in die Noordvaalliga waar hulle elke jaar uitstekende resultate behaal. Die spanne toer ook elke Paasvakansie om teen van die land se tophokkieskole mee te ding. Die skolehokkieseisoen strek van Maart tot Augustus. Op individuele vlak presteer ons spelers op provinsiale vlak met ‘n groot aantal spelers wat elke jaar in Limpopo spanne opgeneem word. Ons skool spog met ‘n topgehalte astrobaan sowel as ʼn grasbaan.
Vir meer inligting rakende hokkie by Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, skakel gerus mnr. Eddie Human (hokkieorganiseerder)
Our eight girls' hockey teams and four boys' hockey teams compete in the Noordvaal League where they achieve excellent results every year. The teams also tour every Easter break to compete against some of the country's top hockey schools. The school hockey season runs from March to August. On an individual level, our players perform to provincial level with a large number of players being included in Limpopo teams every year. Our school boasts a top-quality astro field as well as a grass field.
For more information regarding Hockey please contact Mr Eddie Human (hockey organizer)
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied seunskrieket sowel as meisieskrieket aan.
Die skool het ses krieketspanne - twee dogterspanne en vier seunspanne. Die eerste seunspan en O/15A-span neem jaarliks in Januarie en Februarie aan die Finsbury liga deel. Twee en veertig skole neem aan hierdie liga deel en skole vanuit Gauteng, Noord-Wes, Limpopo en Mpumalanga word verteenwoordig.
In die derde kwartaal neem al ons spanne deel aan die skoleliga. Die eerste span en die O/15A-span kwalifiseer vir die Super liga, die tweedespan en O/15B-span neem in die A-liga deel en ons dogterspan in die A-liga.
Ons skryf ook jaarliks in vir die SA-T20-liga wat in die vierde kwartaal afskop. Julie vakansies bied die skool ʼn vriendskaplike kriekettoernooi aan wat strek oor vyf dae en bestaan gewoontlik uit tussen 20 tot 24 spanne. In 2023 is die eerste meisieskrieketspan aangewys as O/19-Limpopo kampioene. Krieketspelers het ook toegang tot privaat krieketafrigting op die skoolgronde dwarsdeur die jaar. Jaarliks het ons spelers wat opgeneem word in die Limpopo skolespanne en talle oud-Vossies speel vir hulle provinsies krieket. Die bekendste oud-Vossie krieketspeler is seker Marchel de Lange, wat vir die Proteas gespeel het.
Vir meer inligting rondom krieket, kontak gerus vir mnr. Rynier de Jager (organiseerder) of me. Nadia Norval
Hoërskool Ben Vorster offers boys' cricket as well as girls' cricket.
The school has six cricket teams. Two girls' teams and four boys' teams. The first boys' team and U/15-A team participate in the Finsbury league every year in January and February. Forty-two schools participate in this league and schools from Gauteng, Northwest, Limpopo and Mpumalanga are represented. In the third term, all our teams take part in the school league. The first team and the U/15-A qualify for the Super league, the second team and U/15B team participate in the A-league and our girls' team in the A-league. We also register annually for the SA T20 league which kicks off in the fourth quarter.
During the July holidays, the school hosts a friendly cricket tournament of five days and usually consists of between 20 to 24 teams. In 2023, the first girls' cricket team were crowned U/19-Limpopo champions. Cricketers also have access to private cricket coaching on the school grounds throughout the year. Every year we have players who are accepted into the Limpopo school teams and many former Vossies play cricket for their provinces. The most famous ex-Vossie cricketer is probably Marchel de Lange, who played for the Proteas.
For more information about cricket, please contact Mr Rynier de Jager (organizer) or Ms Nadia Norval
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied aan ons Vossie atlete die geleentheid om te groei op baie terreine. Ons glo daaraan om die gemiddelde atleet die blootstelling te bied om as topatleet uit die stryd te tree. Die skool beskik oor tartanaanlope vir verspring, hoogspring en spiesgooi. Aan die begin van elke jaar kry die graad 8-leerders ook die geleentheid om aan alle items deel te neem, om sodoende nuwe talente te ontdek. Ons skool beskik oor puik afrigters en neem ook jaarliks deel aan verskeie byeenkomste, onder andere, Super Interhoër, Top 15-atletiekbyeenkoms asook ons eie Prestige byeenkoms. Verskeie van ons atlete kwalifiseer ook jaarliks om deel te neem aan die Limpopo kampioenskappe en SA-kampioenskappe.
Vir meer inligting skakel me. Elizma Spangenberg (organiseerder)
Hoërskool Ben Vorster offers our Vossie athletes the opportunity to grow in many areas. We believe in giving the average athlete enough exposure to emerge as a top athlete. The school has tartan runs for long jump, high jump and javelin. At the beginning of each year, the 8th grade learners also get the opportunity to participate in all items, to discover new talents. Our school has excellent coaches and participates in several events every year, among others, Super Inter High, Top 15 athletics event as well as our own Prestige event. Several of our athletes also qualify annually to participate in the Limpopo championships and SA championships.
For more information call Ms Elizma Spangenberg (organizer)

By Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is netbal tops - dié netbalskool in Limpopo. Daar word hard gewerk, hard geoefen, en hard gespeel om spelers te ontwikkel -fisies en emosioneel, karakter te bou en vriendskapsbande te bevorder. By die skool streef ons na respek vir mekaar en opponente en versterk vasgestelde doelwitte. Ons spog ook met topgehalte afrigters en agt splinternuwe netbalbane. Vossie netbal neem teen makroskole deel om optimale blootstelling en vooruitgang te verseker.
Van die toernooie waarin ons deelneem, is: Menlo Netbaltoernooi, Rolyntoernooi en Irene Seymore toernooi. Provinsiale- en nasionale kampioenskappe, en die Fast 5-reeks, wat provinsiale kampioenskappe asook nasionale kampioenskappe insluit. Die gesogte Wildeklawer toernooi is ook jaarliks op die Vossies se toerlys. Jaarliks neem ons netbalspanne aan die provinsiale kampioenskappe deel en dring deur na die nasionale Topskole Kampioenskappe om teen die bestes van elke provinsie kragte te meet.
Elke jaar se puik resultate getuig van harde werk en deursettingsvermoë van die afrigters en spelers. Die skool is trots om jaarliks ʼn aantal provinsiale spelers op te lewer wat deel uitmaak van die provinsiale spanne wat by die ʺAll ages“ en Telkom kampioenskappe deelneem. Ons het al talle SA-Top 35-spelers opgelewer. In 2024 lewer ons vyf SA-Top 35-spelers en twee nasionale spelers. Die bekendste oud-Vossie in die netbalkringe is Protea speler, Khanyisa Chawane, wat in 2014 nog deel was van die Vossie span.
Kom raak deel van die wenspan by Vossie netbal. Vir meer inligting, skakel me. Mandi van Heerden (organiseerder)
At Hoërskool Ben Vorster, netball is tops. We are the netball school in Limpopo. The teams work hard, practise hard, and play hard to develop players - physically and emotionally, build character and foster friendships. At school we strive for established goals and respect for each other and our opponents. We also boast top quality coaches and 8 brand new netball courts.
Vossie netball competes against macro schools to ensure optimal exposure and progress. Some of the tournaments in which we participate are: Menlo Netball Tournament, Rolyn Tournament and Irene Seymore Tournament; provincial and national championships, and the Fast 5 series, which includes provincial championships as well as national championships. The prestigious Wildclawer tournament is also annually on the Vossie tour list.
Every year our netball teams participate in the provincial championships and progress to the national Top Schools Championships to compete against the best from each province. Each year great results testify to hard work and perseverance of the coaches and players.
The school is proud to produce a number of provincial players annually who are part of the provincial teams that participate in the "All ages" and Telkom championships. We have produced numerous SA Top 35 players. In 2024 we will produce five SA Top 35 players and two National players. The most famous ex-Vossie in the netball circles is Protea star player Khanyisa Chawane who was still part of the Vossie team in 2014. Come and become part of the winning team at Vossie netball.
For more information, call Ms Mandi van Heerden (organizer)
Vossie perdry - ‘n sportsoort wat seuns en dogters kan beoefen.
Die Vossie ruiters neem jaarliks aan interskole SANESA-kompetisies en SAWMGA asook aan ander graderingskompetisies deel. Ruiters kan aan verskeie kompetisies deelneem en die gewildste by die Vossies is die Western Mounted Games. Verskeie van ons ruiters kwalifiseer ook jaarliks vir die nasionale kampioenskappe in Parys. Ons ruiters neem in verskeie dissiplines deel.
Oud-Vossie, Azel Vorster, verower ʼn eerste plek in 2023 vir Showjumping by die Suid-Afrikaanse junior kampioenskappe.
Vir meer inligting rondom Vossie-perdry, skakel gerus me. Ayanta Roets (organiseerder)
Horse riding is a sport that boys and girls can practise. The Vossie riders participate annually in inter school SANESA competitions and SAWMGA as well as in other grading competitions. Riders can participate in various competitions and the most popular with the Vossies is Western Mounted Games. Several of our riders also qualify annually for the National championships in Parys. Our riders participate in various disciplines. Old Vossie, Azel Vorster won first place in 2023 for Showjumping at the South African Junior championships.
For more information about Vossie horse riding, feel free to contact Ms Ayanta Roets (organizer)
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is die nommer een keuse in Limpopo vir rugbyspelers wat ernstig is oor rugby. Die skool het twee vyftiental rugbyspanne vir elke ouderdomsgroep en drie oopspanne. Ons het ook drie spanne wat jaarliks aan die skole 7’s toernooi deelneem. Ben Vorster doen moeite om te verseker dat ons rugbyspanne kragte meet teen die land se toprugbyskole. Van die toernooie, waarin ons deelneem, is die Rolyn Rugbyfees, die KES-rugbytoernooi en die Mauritz Hansen Hoërskole rugbyweek. Die skool spog ook met hulle eie toernooi, die BUFFEL rugbytoernooi wat jaarliks in Maartmaand plaasvind en verskeie skole van reg oor die land insluit. Die skool is veral trots op sy bydrae tot die transformasie van rugby en lewer gereeld topspelers van kleur op. Die bekendste oud-Vossie in rugbykringe is sekerlik die springbok, Trevor Nyakane. Jaarliks word daar ook vele rugbyspelers gekies vir die Limpopo spanne.
Vir meer besonderhede rondom Vossie rugby, kontak gerus mnr. Frikkie Spangenberg (organiseerder)
Hoërskool Ben Vorster is the number one choice in Limpopo for rugby players who are serious about rugby. The school has two 15-a-side rugby teams for each age group and three open teams. We also have three teams that participate in the schools 7's tournament every year. Ben Vorster makes an effort to ensure that our rugby teams compete against the country's top rugby schools. Some of the tournaments in which we participate are the Rolyn rugby festival, the KES rugby tournament and the Mauritz Hansen High Schools rugby week. The school also boasts of their own tournament, the BUFFEL rugby tournament which takes place annually in the month of March and includes several schools from across the country. The school is particularly proud of its contribution to the transformation of rugby and regularly produces top players of colour. The most famous ex-Vossie in rugby circles is certainly the springbok, Trevor Nyakane. Every year many rugby players are also selected for the Limpopo teams.
For more details about Vossie rugby, please contact Mr Frikkie Spangenberg (organizer)
By Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster beskik ons oor goeie organiseerders en afrigters wie se doel is om elke skaakspeler maksimum geleenthede en blootstelling te gee en dat elke saakspeler hom óf haar spel kan ontwikkel tot die beste van hulle vermoë.
Elke jaar vermeerder die skaakspelers net meer en is ʼn uitdaging vir elke seun en dogter!
Vir meer inligting rondom die Vossie skaak skakel me. Genee Smit (organiseerder)
At Hoërskool Ben Vorster we have good organizers and coaches whose aim is to give each chess player maximum opportunity and exposure so that each player can develop his or her game to the best of their ability. Each year the number of chess players grows and are a challenge for every boy and girl!
For more information about the Vossie chess, contact Ms Genee Smit (organizer)
ʼn Verhitte binnenshuise swembad en uitstekende afrigting van SHAMU, mnr. Johan Groblaar, sorg daarvoor dat Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se swemspan een is om mee rekening te hou. Hulle uitstekende resultate deur die jare spreek vanself. Swemmers kan dwarsdeur die jaar in die skool se verhitte binnenshuise swembad oefen. Talle Vossie swemmers word ook jaarliks blootgestel aan die National Short Coarse, Limpopo- en SA-skolespanne.
Vir meer inligting rondom Vossie swem, kontak gerus mnr. Jacques Pohl of me. Tiffany Marais.
A heated indoor pool and excellent coaching by SHAMU’s, Mr Johan Grobelaar, ensures that Hoërskool Ben Vorster’s swimming team is one to be reckoned with. Their excellent results over the years speak for themselves. Swimmers can practise in the school's heated indoor pool throughout the year. Many Vossie swimmers are also annually exposed to the National Short Course, Limpopo and SA school teams.
For more information about Vossie swimming, please contact Mr Jacques Pohl or Ms Tiffany Marais.
Ben Vorster het seuns- en dogterstennisspanne. Ons tennisspanne eindig gereeld top in die Limpopo-Noord liga. Die tennisbane is tot die beskikking van spelers wat wil oefen en privaatlesse word ook by die skool se bane aangebied.
Vir meer inligting oor die Vossie tennis, kontak gerus mnr. Jacques Pohl.
Ben Vorster has boys’ and girls’ teams. Our tennis teams regularly finish top in the Limpopo-North league. The tennis courts are available to players who want to practice, and private lessons are also offered at the school's courts.
For more information about the Vossie tennis, please contact Mr Jacques Pohl.
By Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het ons twee sokkerspanne – junior- en seniorspan. Ons sokkerspanne neem aan die plaaslike liga deel en lewer uitstekende resultate! Die senior span wen die liga en die junior span het tweede in hulle liga geëindig.
Vir meer inligting, skakel mnr. Appiah Bright (organiseerder)
At Hoërskool Ben Vorster we have two soccer teams, a junior and a senior team. Our soccer teams participate in the local league and produce excellent results! The senior team won the league, and the junior team came second in their league.
For more information contact Mr Appiah Bright (Organizer)
Atlete met geen voorafgaande landloopagtergrond nie, kan ontwikkel tot uitstekende atlete en selfs atlete wat op nasionale vlak skitterend presteer. Ons langasems oefen hard reg deur die jaar en word by die dag fikser saam met ʼn voormalige landloopatleet. Die landloopseisoen is vanaf April tot September. Atlete moet aan drie van die vier liga-byeenkomste deelneem en ʼn kwalifiserende tyd hardloop, waar hulle dan kan deurdring na die LIMA Champs en dan die Nationals (SA’s)
Vir meer inligting rondom die landloop, skakel gerus me. Alison Viljoen (organiseerder)
Athletes with no prior cross-country background can develop into excellent athletes and even athletes who can excel at the national level. Our long distance athletes train hard throughout the year with a former cross-country athelete and get fitter by the day. The cross-country season is from April to September. Athletes must participate in 3 of the 4 league events and run a qualifying time. They can then advance to the LIMA Champs and then the Nationals (SA’s)
For more information about the cross-country race, contact Ms Alison Viljoen (organiser)